Founding members and partners, the institutions support the management of the Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tourism Professions and Qualifications Campus in the ambitions and socio-economic issues entrusted to it. They provide financial support for the action plan and the network’s animation.
State-regional governance enables the training pathways to be developed and the professions to be enhanced.
The campus relies on the participation of the DIRECCTE Occitanie, Pôle Emploi and the Territorial Collectivities to identify the stakes and needs of dynamic and job-bearing activity sectors.
Partners and institutional members give a real dynamic to the network:
These essential partnerships participate in the orientations, decisions and actions implemented by the Campus.
Institutional governance State – Region
Founding member of the Campus – Financial support and provision of expertise in academic services
Founding member of the Campus – Financial support, synergy with the relevant regional services, provision of operating resources and support for action plans.
Other member institutions of the Campus
identification of the issues and needs of the sectors.
Regional Directorate of Enterprises, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment.
Contributes to the economic analysis of the sector, advises on the economic development of the territory.
Contributes to the shared analysis of the economic needs in recruitment and training in the territory
Contributes to the shared socio-economic analysis of the territory as well as to the identification of issues.
Regional Delegation for Research and Technology Occitania
Promotes the dissemination of scientific and technical culture, in synergy with the regional ecosystem.
Proposes actions that promote the economic development of the hotel and restaurant industry and tourism in the region.